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7.24: 7:00am - 8:00am - Redemption

7.24: 7:00a.m. - 8:00a.m. ~ Redemption ~ 2009.05.23 7:00 On the site of the car crash there is a fire. The body of the man that was after Kim is covered in a tarp. Kim is sitting at the back of an ambulance being patched up. Renee is on the comm. with Chloe and they talk about getting more people on this. Chloe says they don’t need people they need to get lucky, the transmitter on the laptop is encrypted. Kim is coming over to see what is going on as Renee asks Chloe if she can source it. Chloe is working on it. Kim asks the same question and gets the same answer. Kim and Renee walk and Kim wants to know if there are any other leads, she is frustrated. Renee consoles her that this is a good lead and she’s the only reason that they have it. Kim stops and snaps that her father is dying and they don’t know how much time he has left. Jack is trying to get away from Tony and Cara still. He is down on the ground trying to get under an industrial garage door. He doesn’t quite fit and

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